
Monday, December 9, 2013

Shame on you, Umno, go seek advice from Tok Guru

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. How true and I would add that it is worth more for this Malaysian.
I found this picture on Facebook at 9.33am on Dec 7. It was registered as being posted 43 minutes ago and it had 12,167 likes, 527 shares and 398 conversations.
I believe, like the more than 12,000 multi-ethnic Malaysians who clicked "Like", I was touched by the scene of this man's humbleness in his dressing and choice of food.
It also evoked my emotions that it is not insulting to compare this great Malaysian politician with the late Nelson Mandela.
Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, fondly known to Malaysians as Tok Guru, has been a politician for decades and was Kelantan menteri besar for some 30 years.
Although the 82-year-old stepped down as Kelantan MB after the 13th general election due to failing health, he is forever the epitome of integrity in Malaysian politics and an Islamic cleric who lives by the book of Allah. He fears no man, only Allah.
Some Malaysians may have heard about why he always has two pens in his pocket or at his disposal.
One pen belonging to the government he uses for his official work, the other belonging to him is for his private use. Amazing, isn't it, this man's separation of his public and personal belongings?
Can you now understand why the equally humble majority of Kelantanese had consistently picked him as their leader, rejecting the carrots and excessiveness dished out by the Barisan Nasional (BN).
Of course the excessiveness comes from both sides of the political divide but it is obvious to Malaysians, and all, that the ruling BN politicians enjoy the lion's share of the largess.
It is the humility of the Tok Guru that has kept the majority of Kelantanese happy -- not only the Malays but all races in the state.
And, before I forget, I would like to take a dig at the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) for being cruel not so long ago when they intimidated and harassed Tok Guru.
There are so many politicians and their children, from both sides of the political divide, clearly living beyond their means but the MACC chose to be blind.
Whether it is the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) or MACC or perhaps, in the future another rename of the anti-graft body, it will continue to serve as a toothless servant to the government of the day.
What has the MACC to say about the just-concluded Umno general assembly debate by Johor delegate Khairul Anwar Rahmat that Umno should not be "apologetic" when people say that Umno members are "wealthy".
"Don't worry if you own a Land Rover, ..., or a Porsche Cayenne. This means you have capabilities (berwibawa), can control the economy and do everything," Khairul Anwar said.
He forgot about the monstrous Hummer gift.
Is he supporting and advocating corruption?
The most shocking statement was from Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal, who in defending the racist slogan 1Melayu that was proposed to replace 1Malaysia, was reported as saying that the core of Umno has always been about Malay “survival” and it is only through Malay support that they have remained in power all this while.
“Definitely, the strength of Umno is based on the Malays. Umno should not forget its roots. We need to strengthen... to ensure that not only maintaining (sic) the current support but also increase the number of Malays supporting Umno."
Granted that he is absolutely right that Umno depends on Malay support. No quarrels.
But I would like to ask Shafie: "Do you need to be a racist to win the hearts of Malays? Don't you want to win the support of multi-racial Malaysians? Aren't the Muslims in PAS, PKR and DAP Malays? Do you mean only Umno is Malay? Only Umno is Muslim?"
Please go seek the advice of the Tok Guru who has never uttered any racist statement as a political leader. Only religious statements.
If Mandela was one of the most iconic figures of modern times, then Nik Aziz must be one of the most iconic Muslim cleric political leaders of Malaysia. One who is well respected by all Malaysians.


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